
4 Ways Music Therapy Benefits Highly Sensitive People

4 Ways Music Therapy Benefits Highly Sensitive People

You didn’t know you needed a good cry until you heard that new Lizzy McAlpine song, and all of a sudden the tears are flowing. Something in the poignancy of the melody and poetry of the lyrics hit a chord and you feel sad but also seen. Understood. Like you’re maybe...

A Guide to Dating for Highly Sensitive People 

A Guide to Dating for Highly Sensitive People 

Dating kinda sucks. It can feel like an unfair gamble, an exhausting and excruciating hamster wheel of swiping, crushed hopes and a tug of war between the desire to throw in the towel completely and the urge to download the apps maybe just this one more time. ...

A Highly Sensitive Person’s Guide to Overstimulation

A Highly Sensitive Person’s Guide to Overstimulation

Your day wasn’t exactly going smoothly, but you thought you had it handled. Yet somewhere between loud construction rousing you out of bed early, a particularly crowded subway ride into the office and an unexpected meeting on your work calendar, your nerves are...

The Art Of Accepting What Is

The Art Of Accepting What Is

“You are here and yet you dream Of being there; of being where you think the good life has begun” -The Wailin’ Jennys “This can’t be.”  “This is unacceptable.”  “Something has to change.”  “Someone has to do something.” Raise your hand if you’ve said...

How to Tame Anxiety 

How to Tame Anxiety 

Racing heart. Shortness of breath. Muscle tension. Insomnia. Lost appetite. A head full of worries and worst case scenarios. Hello anxiety!  Unpopular opinion #1: Anxiety is not a bad thing  If you’re a conscious being, your anxiety makes sense. We are living in...

Making Friends with Your Inner Critic

Making Friends with Your Inner Critic

We all have one. You know, that voice in your head that is quick to judge all the things that you’re doing wrong. It’s the voice of “not doing enough,” “not enough” and “too much.”  The one that says you sounded like an idiot at that work meeting, or that you’re...

Beat the Winter Blues

Beat the Winter Blues

As we head into the darkest and coldest time of year in the northern hemisphere, it’s not uncommon to notice a shift in mood, energy level and amount of activity in your schedule. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), Seasonal Affective Disorder...

A Highly Sensitive Person’s Guide to the Holidays

A Highly Sensitive Person’s Guide to the Holidays

The holiday season is already in full swing, and for those who identify as empaths or highly sensitive people, it can all feel like “too much.”  What is a Highly Sensitive Person? Elaine Aron coined the term “highly sensitive person” (HSP) in 1991. According to...

Coping With the Unexpected

Coping With the Unexpected

My vacation in Yosemite was going along smoothly, hardly a hitch in any of my travel plans, and despite a rainy day in the forecast, only a little drizzle fell from the sky. I had hiked over 45 miles in four days, taken in some breathtakingly gorgeous views, and was...